Monday, March 5, 2012


Wow, have things been nuts.
Seriously, ya'll.
I think my last free weekend was in January...
the next one in site is in April.
This makes for much craziness
and little blogging.
For that, I'm so sorry!
I know ya'll want an adoption update!

There isn't much to tell in the ways of being closer to having a kid.
But, we have started the classes and only have 2 more to go (WOHOO!)

To make a long story short, the day before the classes started in Spaulding County, we found out about them.
Well, we have to get permission from Henry County (where we reside) in order to attend.
After many phone calls and headaches (and a heartache that we would have to wait until the summer), we found out that in fact we could attend!
The classes started at 6pm that day.
I found out at 4pm.
This was all God, ya'll. 100%
We are attending once a week and "graduate" in two weeks.

We are learning so much.
The biggest of things is the affirmation that this is what we are supposed to be doing.

I'm not going to lie. About 6 weeks ago, I got overwhelmed and almost wanted to call it quits.

But God snapped me back and told me now was the time.
Part of my thinks that the reason now is the time to start is because Henry County is a very long process and difficult (so I have been told, over and over).

Let me tell ya'll, God has been revealing to me just how long he has been preparing me for this.
Preparing my heart and mind for the wait, for the frustration.

Those closest to me know how impatient and spontaneous I am.
And especially how I used to be.
I am much more patient now.
Not as spontaneous (I was able to wait almost 2 weeks to become a redhead once I decided. 2 years ago, that would have not happened. I would have had to have had it done the next day).
He is still molding me,
But so much of how he shaped me the past few years is coming to play.
When I tell you that if we have another year to wait before we will have a child in our home,
I am not lying when I say that is 100% ok with me.
Somehow, I am having a lot of patience with this process.
Which I can only give God the credit for.
Patience is not my thing.

All that being said, I will have more on that later.

I have many great ideas for what I want to do on here, so stay tuned!
I'm pretty excited about it!

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