OK, here's the deal.
I love reading blogs.
I love learning new things.
I love teaching and sharing.
So I thought
"Why not start blogging? Like really real blogging...."
I've thought this a lot over the past few months.
Fast forward
& here we are today.
I want to do a blog about trying to make it newly married.
About *gasp* not having kids.
[Insert question asking something about why not
& remind us how old we are]
Don't worry, we plan on it one day.
Just not yet.
About trying to have an amazing home.
On a budget.
Being crafty,
Being real,
Being me.
So, l suppose I should start with 10 things all about me. Here goes nothing.
(in no particular order)
1) I dislike green beans.
Wait, maybe I shouldn't say that.
As in, even the smell make me want to run in a closet with a knife clutched in my hand ready to attack the giant green bean that will soon open the door.
Even this picture is making me nauseous.
2) I LOVE horses.
Always have.
Always will.
& Not necessarily riding horses.
Just being with horses. Watching them run and, well, just be horses.
They are amazingly beautiful to me.
My favorite you ask?
Glad you asked! 'Cause I was gonna tell you anyway.
That would be the Friesian:
Ok, I'll stop boring you with horses.
(I could seriously go all day)
3) I went to school for photography.
I love photography.
However, over the past couple years, I became burnt out on photography.
This makes me sad, but I hope to one day soon return to it.
You can see some stuff on my photography blog here.
(I turned my website off for the moment. Again, burnt out.)
4) I love God. A lot.
I would not be here and made it this far in life if it wasn't for my God.
He has directed me and led me to the point I am now in my life,
& I could not be happier.
5) I volunteer with a local outreach ministry called Outsiders.
Basically, we try to reach out to local teens
to keep them from doing those influences all around them
that are constantly being shoved down their throat.
To rise above and not be the average "Skins" Teen.
It's my passion.
6) I am a huge history nerd.
& I am obsessed with the Tudor period.
No, not because of the show.
My obsession started long before the show.
Although, having Jonathan Meyers as King Henry the VIII
would be a justified reason for my obsession to start.
But no, that's not why.
I have some sort of fascination with Henry the VIII.
No, he's not nearly as attractive as Mr. Meyers.
But for some reason I love reading on his reign.
How he acted.
His wives.
Oh, his wives.
& the Queens.
I love Queens.
The dresses.
The castles.
Ok, ok- I'll stop there.
7) I love being crafty!
Craft time.
Craft parties (let's have one!)
Just all around crafts!
Ahhh, the thought of making something awesome
Out of something that once wasn't awesome
& for cheap
excites me!
I can't wait to have my own house and have a workspace like this!!
Yea, I'm a nerd for getting excited thinking of having my own craft room.
Ehh, I'm proud to be a nerd.
8) We have two children. Well, fur babies to be exact.
Meet Cujo, we believe he is a Papillion Chihuahua mix
Yes, he is named after the Cujo.
That was his name when I got him,
& I loved it too much to change it.
Besides, his markings are the same and he thinks he is Cujo.
We believe he is about 4 years old.
I got him when he was about 1.
That story, is for another day.
It's a good one.
& our other new baby, Ms. Scarlett.
(aka Scar Face)
A Harlequin Great Dane.
Born Nov. 4, 2010.
Here she is 5 months old.
I have wanted a Great Dane for years,
and finally got my girl for Christmas.
She is a huge diva.
But also a huge sweetheart.
9) My husband and myself are suckers for Ice Cream.
Doesn't matter what kind.
just ice cream.
We even had an ice cream bar at our wedding instead of a grooms cake.
Yup, our wedding was that awesome,
If I do say so myself.
10) I feel like I should tell some awesome secret.
A life changing, "oh-no she didn't" secret.
Ya know, as a reward for reading to the end.
But I can't think of anything.
(seriously, I thought about this for a while).
So instead, here's a Unicorn!
(distraction complete)
Thanks for reading!
& Cheers to a new blog for me.
Very cute! Please update a lot so I'll have someone else to stalk!!