I'm gonna start a Thursday tradition.
I have no clue if other blogs out there are doing this,
But I just thought of it.
Who knows,
maybe I saw this somewhere and got the inspiration from them.
Thankful Thursday.
Every Thursday's post will be about what I am thankful for in my life.
Because, let's face it, I tend to forget.
Tend to forget that I am beyond lucky.
Beyond blessed.
So, I am going to remind myself every week.
And hopefully, in turn, remind all of you.
This week, I will start with something that I gripe about all the time.
Insert stereo-typical 70's horror movie scream.
Ok, let me clarify some.
I hate folding clothes.
I dread and loathe laundry.
I'm not saying I'm necessarily grateful that I have to do laundry.
But the fact that not only do I have clothes that need to be cleaned,
But I also have a washer and dryer in the convenience of my home.
Not everyone has that luxury.
Not everyone has the luxury of even using a machine.
As I was spending my lovely Wednesday night folding laundry,
Grumbling and gripping the entire time, as always...
God reminded me of why I should count my blesses that I was folding laundry.
I have a roof over my head,
clean clothes in my closet...
and just that alone should be sufficient
I spent over a week in Guatemala a few summers ago.
People wear the same clothes everyday.
Then occasionally wash them in horribly dirty, concrete, moldy sinks.
But you know, they never really complain about that.
You never hear them talk about the fact that they really want that new line of dresses that just came out.
Or the new shoes that are the must have of the season.
They are just grateful to have clothing on their bodies.
So, the next time I start to get all flustered over the
"The Never Ending Laundry"
(This is what I sing every week,
sung to the tune of "The Never Ending Story", of course)
I need to stop, remind myself
That there are people in other situations
that would love to be folding fresh laundry from the dryer.
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.
1 Chronicles 16:34
So, what are you grateful for this Thursday?