Saturday, August 28, 2010

One Month!

Wow! It is SO amazing how these months have just flown by! We just came home from an AWESOME wedding for the new Mr. and Mrs. Menzel. It was quite lovely and not to mention A LOT of fun! Their wedding managed to get me super pumped for MY own wedding coming up very soon. We have been engaged for almost 9 months now, so the fact that we are less that a month away seems pretty surreal. It is neat to see all the little details finally come together and get nailed down. No longer just ideas floating in my brain for years and years ;) things are coming to fruit and that is SO exciting!

That being said, even though I have managed to complete a good bit of stuff ahead of time, there is still a laundry list of items to be complete. This wedding is 100% DIY, meaning the list is pretty never ending ;) If you have a free evening and want to help, hit me up! I would love the help!

I can't wait to see you all on the big day and for you all to see the fruits of all this labor! ;) ♥

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