**I have set this to auto post, since I will be at work today :) But I couldn't wait to share!**
We have some very exciting news!
Every time we announce that we have exciting news, they think I am pregnant.
No, I am not pregnant.
However, I think this is just as exciting...
We are starting the process of adoption!
Those who know me well know I have wanted to adopt for as long as I can remember.
We are ecstatic and really feel that God is telling us now is the time for us to begin.
That being said, we anticipate it will be at least a year before we have a child in our home.
& that's is totally fine.
God is preparing out hearts, mind, and souls for this.
We have chosen to go through the DFCS foster care system.
This is going to be a long, hair pulling, screaming journey- but we feel this is where God is pointing us and wants us to be.
So, we are ready.
Ready for heartache.
Ready for heaps of patience to be taught.
Ready for sleepless nights with a new child in an unfamiliar environment.
Ready for God to prepare us for this journey.
Most of all, ready to give a child a chance who previously had none.
We have already attended our county's orientation and are waiting to be invited to the next step-20 hours of IMPACT training classes (Adoption classes we must complete).
We know this will be a long road.
That there will be challenges.
Bringing a new child into our home will be difficult.
But we know this is what God wants.
So, we are ready.
We are asking for prayers during this time.
For wisdom of knowing the right decisions to make.
For wisdom in ensuring this is the right time for us.
For guidance in raising our future child.
For our future child. Born or unborn at this point.
We are so excited to see what the future holds for us!
**Ok, I know ya'll have questions-- so here ya go**
Adopting before having a kid?
Yup, and we are really excited about it! No, this is not an infertility issue. I am currently on a form of birth control. We honestly have no idea if I have any infertility issues since, well, we have never tried.
So, why are you adopting first?
This one is a toughie to explain, and I have tried to think and think on my answer. There is only one real answer I can give-- We truly feel this is what God wants for us right now. Plain and simple as that.
So, what about having your own?
We fully intend on having our own kid one day, God willing. Just not right now.
Don't you realize how hard this is going to be?
Yup. Again, there is a reason God is telling us to do this. He will never give you more than you can handle (although I'm pretty sure I will be second guessing that at first-- just kidding ;) I have wanted to adopt for a very long time. I have been looking into this, reading blogs of fellow mommies of adopted children, and most of all God has been preparing our hearts for this journey. Yes it will be hard. But, it will be 150% worth it.
So, what kind of kid ya want?
We are leaving that completely up to God. Boy, girl- doesn't matter. We figure we don't want to put limitations on God. Allow him to lead us to the right child for us.
Age range?
Once we go through classes and learn more, we will make a formal decision on this. However, in our initial discussions we talked about a child between 1-2yrs old. Again, we want to simply give the child a home that God wants us to. So, we are letting God take the reigns.
So, there ya have it. If you have anymore questions-- feel free to ask me!
Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.
James 1:27